Lighting Repair & Maintenance

LightingWe have a team of dedicated staff, and a network of partners across all 50 States, as well as in Puerto Rico, and Canada.

Energy-Efficient Lighting Upgrades and Retrofits

To be really sure of the lighting upgrade that is your Best Practice, you need to look at the few easy-to-implement principles that often have very good returns when used. The first thing is: technology. You must always be eager to adopt the latest technology and evaluate what best alternatives you have for your facility. Be sure to understand the cost of lighting and that approximately 88% of it goes to a utility firm. A quality lighting package delivers to you the most lumens for the lowest price on the market. Remember that over-conserving of energy can go hand in hand with the delivery of a poor product. Always evaluate the task being performed so as to determine what amount of light you are getting, its quality, as well as the lamp color that best satisfies the needs of your facility first before working on energy-related savings. Keep in mind that the market leaders offer you the best products; stick with them. Name-brand manufacturers take their time and spend good amounts of cash to do the best in research so as to bring the best quality products to the market. Definitely, you will see a major difference in their performance from other products.

Group Relamps

This is best practice if you take into account factors like labor saving, cost of interruption, enhanced overall system efficiency, lower time for maintenance, fixture cleaning, bulk buying practices as well as improved light levels. Though it may also sound quite costly and foolish to dispose off your dusty, depreciated lamps just after they reach the end of their rated life, it is worth it since you will in turn get these benefits: uniform and consistent light levels, enhanced light color uniformity, lower maintenance costs, fewer complaints from tenants and more time for your maintenance workers to concentrate on other productive aspects of their job. Plus, taking the group relamping approach will often allow you to exploit the latest technologies to make sure that what you have is the most efficient system for your needs.

Occupancy Sensors, Timers & Lighting Controls

These will continue to grow and develop as both federal and state regulations change over time. With this, design then becomes critical since the goal here is to make energy savings by switching off lights in unoccupied areas. Though the market contains several products and manufacturers, not all sensors are made equal. To have the best design and a worry-free system in the long-term, it takes time and good planning.

Interior and Exterior on-call Lighting Maintenance

For both exterior and interior lighting, a good number of our customers make use of maintenance contracts. This enables them to fix their monthly expenses, ensuring that lighting in critical areas such as parking lots, entrances and exits of buildings are lighted when there is need for them to. At BOSS Lighting Services, we customize a service contract route for you according to your needs on either a weekly, monthly, quarterly or on-call basis.

BOSS Facility Services, Inc.

Is comprised of a team of dedicated employees serving the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
Call us at 1-866-267-7463