Temporary & Pop-Up Locations

BOSS has the tools, resources, expertise, and experience to implement all of you location needs.

Pop-Up Locations

Call them pop-up stores, temporary retailers, pop-up shops, flash retailers or whichever other name that your English allows, but the fact is that they are hitting the retail industry with a bang, and all for good reasons! The traditional, brick-&-mortar, big-box and permanent retail stores are giving way for the next big thing!

Just as their naming suggests, these kinds of stores are temporary retail spaces that are designed for the sale of all kinds of products and merchandise, ranging from art and fashion to electronic gadgets and food. They may be used to test a market for a major retailer or just to take advantage of the holiday sales boom; for instance, Toys R Us, Halloween costume stores and holiday stores.

Temporary Locations

Temporary locations are different than Pop-Up stores in that the temporary location is usually set up when the main store location is under renovation. A remodel of a main location can sometimes take anywhere from 8-10 weeks depending on the complexity of the project. The temporary location is usually set up to appear just like the main location in order to keep patrons shopping.

Whether you require a Pop-Up location or Temporary location BOSS has the tools and resources, the expertise and experience, to listen to every single one of your specifications to implement them for you. We will handle everything for you; project management and marketing, all electrical works, flooring, fixtures, painting, etc., as well as everything else in between.

BOSS Facility Services, Inc.

Is comprised of a team of dedicated employees serving the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
Call us at 1-866-267-7463