Make sure you stop by and introduce yourself! We’ll be talking facility maintenance, HVAC, plumbing, rollouts, electrical, and more. If you’ve got questions, we’ll answer them! Let us discuss your current processes, procedures, and goals.

Bob Keingstein to present at the 2016 SPECS show! Bob will be the moderator for the panel discussion on Energy Evolution vs. Revolution (Monday, March 14th 2:10pm - 3:00pm)
Energy procurement and management have become a game-changer for the retail industry, playing a pivotal part in each step of building design, construction and management. In this moderated panel, top HVAC and lighting executives discuss the energy landscape, upcoming trends and latest innovations that will impact retailers across the country.

Moderated by: Bob Keingstein, President, Boss Facility Services
Panelists: Mike Bowman, Advanced Technology Leader – Sustainable Energy, GE Global Research Matt Gates, Vice President of Energy Management Services and Solutions, Trane Trevor Joelson, Energy Procurement and Consultant, Fellon-McCord